Monday, March 9, 2009

What's standing between you and your goals? | March 9, 2009

I am a big believer in going after what you want. I did it when I up and left a good newspaper job to follow my dream of being an author and entrepreneur. I did it when I ran a Jan. 1 marathon to set the tone for the year ahead. I did it when I took to the stage to share my message of empowerment with a broader audience.

Going after what you want requires a few tools. One of those is your Zoom Power Equation. Your Zoom Power is your ability to pull sharply into focus what you want -- and make it happen.

I give the Zoom Power Equation in chapter two of my book, Zoom Power: Your Key to Hitting Your Personal, Business and Financial Targets. Your Zoom Power Equation is this: Focus plus Perseverance equals Zoom Power.

What are you focusing on? If you want to improve your results in life, especially these days, then you've got to focus on that which you want. Focus is what a lot of people miss. They try to do too many things, which means they end up doing an OK job in a lot of different areas, rather than an outstanding job in one area.

The key to reaching your goals is in how you think about them -- and how you approach them. Put into place your Zoom Power Equation and you're well on your way to being a success story!

Use the Zoom Power Equation to create your Zoom Power Plan.

Here is the five-step Zoom Power Plan, taken from chapter two of Zoom Power: Your Key to Hitting Your Personal, Business and Financial Targets:

1. Identify the result you want. You've got to be clear about what you are
working toward. If you are hazy about what you're working toward, you'll be hazy
about figuring out if you've reached it.

2. Quantify the result. Tell yourself exactly how much you want to achieve.
Do you want to increase your revenue by 20 percent? Do you want to pay off
$5,000 worth of debt? Do you want to lose 20 pounds?

3. Set a time frame. Give yourself a deadline. A goal without a deadline is
just a flimsy wish. If you don't attach a deadline to your goal, then you're
setting yourself up for failure. You must have something to work toward, and in
a particular amount of time.

4. Write down your goal and deadline. Hold yourself accountable. Don't just
keep it "in your head." A vision is fine, but put it down on paper.
Paper takes it out of your head and brings it into the real world.

5. Create a goal plan. Now that you have a result and date, work back
from there to create a plan for making it all happen. Your plan should include
steps that lead to your ultimate goal. So if it's a big goal you're chasing,
break it down into parts. Check off each success as you go.

What goal will you tackle with your Zoom Power Plan this week?