Friday, March 20, 2009

Thinking is good, but action is better | March 20, 2009

It's not your idea that's the problem. It's the fact that you don't do anything with it that's the problem.

One of the comments I hear most often when I am at a speaking engagement or book signing is this: "I want to write a book or I want to start a business, but I just haven't been able to do anything with it. How are you able to write books and run a business?" Usually the person who is asking is someone who has heard me speak or who has read one of my books and now he or she wants to see if I have a magic answer for how to turn ideas into something more.

And the answer as to how I am able to write books or run businesses or do any number of other things is really simple: Because I act. I move on my ideas. It's said that if you were to act on one really good idea a year, you could fundamentally change your life.

So, what's it going to be for you? Will you continue to have really good ideas that you do nothing with? Or will you focus on one idea and push forward?

Lots of people spend countless hours thinking up ideas (or just talking) and none actually doing anything with the ideas. Thinking is great, but what's the use of thinking if you're not going to act upon what you come up with?

All you end up doing then is whining about "Hey, that was my idea!" later when you see the idea executed by someone else.

Think about four ideas you have had within the last year. Then consider what you did with those ideas. Chances are, nothing much has happened. You might have even forgotten about the ideas until now. Are these good ideas that could really be developed? Do you see how one of these ideas could really change things? Maybe you have an idea for a new invention. Maybe you have a concept for a new social organization. Maybe you have the premise of a new book or new business.

A couple of days ago, I encouraged you to get started on your big idea -- recession and all. Now I'm pushing you to move beyond the idea into the implementation. Do it. Now.

Today is Friday. Which means the weekend is coming up. If you're off work for the weekend -- or even if you're not -- why not set aside a little time to actually move on that really great idea you had a little while ago? No more just thinking about it.

Now is the time to do something about it. Put together a proposal. Invite someone to be a mentor. Look for investors. Find a Web site designer. Sign on a ghostwriter. Come up with a budget. Start a Facebook or Yahoo group. Do something to move the idea out of your head and into action.

What could be more important right now than finally moving on your big idea -- or even your dream?

Have a good weekend.

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