Thursday, March 5, 2009

Are your thoughts wrecking your life? | March 5, 2009

This week you've gotten a good status update on your life. Tuesday, you received a life check-up. Wednesday, you received the diagnosis. Today, you'll get the prognosis and cure.

Your diagnosis may have shown that you were a little -- or a lot -- dissatisfied with your life. The prognosis for a life that is not going well isn't good. Things will continue to coast along until some catastrophic event happens or you'll keep going in a disjointed and frustrating dance of highs and lows that leave you confused and even more unhappy. Your income won't increase. Your relationships won't get better. Your work will leave you less than thrilled.

But that doesn't have to be the case for you. Instead, you can go for the solution -- the cure -- to your dissatisfaction with your life. The cure is to first address your thoughts. I believe our thoughts create our lives. If we dwell on certain things, those things have a way of showing up. Don't believe me?

Research tells us that 87 percent of our self-talk -- the things we tell ourselves -- is negative. We tell ourselves such things as, "I'm not good enough," "I'll never make it," "I am too ...".

And so, that's what shows up in our lives. All those negative things we've been telling ourselves end up coming true. Self-fulfilling. And that makes us even more miserable.

So start taking charge of your life by taking charge of your thoughts. Now, this does not mean that one day you are beating yourself up with negative thoughts, then the very next day, you're Mr. or Ms. Positive. That's not what this is about at all. What I am saying is that you must become conscious of the power of your thoughts to create your reality.

Then work to change them. Read books that uplift, inspire and empower you. Surround yourself with friends and contacts who support you in your new quest. Educate yourself about achieving a big goal or dream.

Read my book, Zoom Power: Your Key to Hitting Your Personal, Business and Financial Targets. It includes strategies and suggestions for achieving your big goals and creating success. It also helps you develop the mindset to create success. When you finish reading Zoom Power, you'll have at least two things: the confidence and motivation to do something big and a plan to make it happen.

So don't just settle for life as it is now. Take charge of your life and take it to the next level when you harness the power of your thoughts and transform.

Go for the cure.