Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is just OK good enough for you? Or do you want more? | March 4, 2009

Yesterday, we discussed life check-ups. As with a medical check-up, your life check-up may not have been particularly fun, but it was necessary. Your life check-up made you look at some critical areas -- are you getting the results you want out of life? Are you doing meaningful work? Are you revved up about your future?

Now, today, we will get the diagnosis. If you answered "no" on any of the five check-up questions, you have some level of dissatisfaction with your life. If you answered "no" to more than two areas, then you have a seriously high level of dissatisfaction. That's the diagnosis.

Your life is not in great shape. That may sound a bit harsh, but it's nothing you did not know. Having the check-up provided a way for you to get in touch with your emotions about it and ideally, a desire to change it. This was an important step. Many people prefer to coast through life striving for not much and receiving not much and telling themselves they are doing OK.

You've decided that will not do for you.

Now that you know what's wrong, let's figure out how to fix it. You can begin to take charge of your life. Now. Tomorrow, we'll look at the prognosis and the cure.