Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's time for your life check-up | March 3, 2009

Have you had your check-up? Your life check-up, that is. March is an excellent time to take stock of where you are. It is early enough in the year for you to make needed changes and produce great results, but it's not so early in the year that you make insincere New Year's resolutions you have no intention of keeping. March is a time to clear your head.

Here is a brief life check-up for you: 1. Am I working on any big goals? 2. Am I at the point I thought I'd be by now? 3. Am I excited about the direction of my life? 4. Am I using my gifts, talents, time and skills to create impact -- make a good living for my family and me, touch lives around me, etc.? 5. Am I interested in improving in any area of my life?

Your answers to these questions will help you figure out where you are. If you find that you are not working on any big goals (or goals at all), you're not excited or happy about the direction your life is taking and you're not tapping into your potential, then now is the time to make some changes. If you are achieving at a high level, then this check-up helps you look toward the next big thing.

Figuring out where you are -- getting your life check-up -- is the first step. Answer these questions honestly. Once you've gotten your check-up, we'll give a diagnosis. I'll help you with that tomorrow.