Thursday, April 23, 2009

Have something interesting to say? Make a little cash off it

Marynn Reid, a writer friend, shares helpful tips you can use to take charge of your financial life. Her blog,, is a resource for strong women everywhere, and today's post does not disappoint.

If you're looking for a new way to bring in some extra cash -- and these days, who isn't? -- then she has some blogging suggestions for you. Share your expertise and get some nice change, too. Maybe you'll have ads on your site. Maybe you'll do affiliate marketing. There are lots of choices.

This blog helps me share my message of empowerment and "just get out there and do it" with others. It's one tool in my arsenal of books, speaking engagements, trainings and others. And I will be adding even more tools soon.

One new tool we're developing is our affiliate marketing program. I'll share just a tiny bit now, and give you the full spiel later. One product coming soon is an e-book that will help business owners, speakers, professionals, authors and others create additional revenue streams using information they already know! It's an e-book that comes from the advice, suggestions and experiences I've shared with clients and others at speaking engagements. Of course you can buy it directly and learn of great ways to add to your bottom line, but you will also have the opportunity to sell it to your friends and contacts and make some extra money, too. As Maryann said, if you're not working on a plan to make money online, you don't know how to make money. I want to show you how.

You don't have to sit around feeling helpless in this economy, wishing someone else would just give you a job, or give you a break or give you a hand up. You can create your own break by being proactive and building your own blog, business, network, group, organization or other setup to bring in more income.

So what ways are you looking to add a few more dollars this year?

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