Friday, April 3, 2009

Do the thing and then move on | April 3, 2009

A few days ago, some entrepreneurs approached me about participating in one of their new ventures. They said that when they were discussing whom to approach, my name kept coming up. I've worked with none of them before, but they each knew of me and my work.

We had a fascinating meeting, and I truly appreciate the fact that they sought me out. Their idea is great and I believe they have what it takes to make it happen.

I bring this up for one key reason: Sometimes when we are going about our daily work, we just simply never know who is watching. That is why, whether we are doing something grand or something less so, we must do it with a spirit of excellence.

Sometimes when we are in the process of going after a goal or a dream, we can become overwhelmed that things are happening slowly or that nobody even notices us. And so we can be tempted to just go through the motions or to not give it a good shot. But often, it's simply not true that nobody is watching. The thing to remember about pursuing a goal or a dream is that your work is not just about the ultimate destination. It is about the steps along the way. So that means the minor projects and the processes leading to the destination also matter.

Do the work and do it well. And know that each thing you do is building your reputation, your body of work, your company and your legacy.

Pursuing your work or task with a spirit of excellence doesn't necessarily mean laboring over each piece. If you've read Zoom Power: Your Key to Hitting Your Personal, Business or Financial Targets, then you know I don't believe in constantly tinkering or laboring over something more than is necessary. That can often produce, not something that is excellent, but something that started out good but went downhill from there.

A spirit of excellence, in my opinion, means doing something well and with a specific purpose in mind and then releasing it. In other words, work hard on the thing then let it go. Often, we want to keep tinkering and revising and sweating the small stuff, thinking that will make it excellent. Most times, it doesn't. That's just really an excuse to procrastinate.

So instead of constantly revising what you are doing, do it, do it well, then leave it alone and go to the next. To me, that is the true spirit of excellence. One thing won't define you. A body of work will.

When you do that, it allows you to constantly produce good -- even great -- results with a sense of expectancy. You don't dwell on or stress about any one piece of the equation too much because your energy is already on the next.

Then, almost as if unbidden, opportunities will manifest. Reputations will be built. Companies, organizations and groups will grow. All because you chose to operate with a spirit of excellence and move.

You will find people seeking you out, wanting your hand in what they are doing.

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