Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Free yourself from 'have-to' and focus on 'choose-to'

Do you ever feel as if you're stuck doing the same things over and over, things you feel you have to do? If you've ever said, "I have to do this," or "I have to do that," you'll want to check out the latest Knowledge Wealth Series newsletter. In it, I share why it's important to shift your thinking from "have to" to "choose to." If you want to take charge of your life, this is an essential mental shift.

Why? Because when we are constantly talking about what we have to do, it makes us feel like victims or prisoners of our circumstances. And nobody wants to feel that way. But when we begin to see everything we do as a choice, then we get a bit of pep in our step as we feel empowered to make choices that benefit us.

As a personal development author, I am often looking for ways we can make our lives better and get more enjoyment or improve our results. This is one mind shift we can make and begin to manifest positive changes in our lives, simply by realizing we can take charge.

Try this: The next time you are tempted to say "I have to do XYZ," stop and ask yourself, "Really? Do I really have to do this?" What would happen if you didn't do that thing? You might find the consequence of not doing it could be minor or you may find the consequence could be pretty big. But regardless, you'll likely find that you don't really have to do that thing. But because you prefer not to live with the consequences, you choose to do the thing.

Big difference between thinking in terms of have to and choose to.

So check out this month's Knowledge Wealth Series newsletter, and learn more about shifting your thinking from the negative have-to equation to the choose-to option. And you'll also get other great information, including learning how to be a part of my next book and getting information about my latest e-book, Turn Your Book into a Business, so you can learn to write your own book and earn more money from it.